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The team behind the Center has been at the forefront of developing methods to understand, research, and teach narrative and creativity. At the core of these methods is the practice of creativity and use of the imagination; the study and creation of literary work, film, theater, graphic novels, and other arts are fundamental threads in all of the tools we have developed, and the application of creativity is common throughout our methods.

Close Reading
Also referred to as “slow reading,” the act of reading something carefully--whether a poem, novel, short story, memoir or a painting, sonata, play--and attending to all aspects of its dimensionality (form, voice, temporality, diction, movement, space, etc.) teaches us to pay closer attention to all aspects of our world, and reveals the ways that attentive looking and listening can engage the complexity of human expression.

Reflective and Creative Writing
This is writing with an eye toward discovery of new meanings and new forms; writing as a tool for expansion of the mind and spirit, and discovery of uncovered aspects of self and connections to colleagues. We will provide training through the discussion of writing in the language of text and constructive criticism. 

Narrative Intervention
In a situation where people are struggling due to perceived ownership of certain deeply held beliefs or concepts related to work environments, the use of narrative, stories that no one “owns,” can allow new elements to be seen and persons to re-connect and loosen their grip on whatever issues are troubling them.

Critical Theory 
Narrative is our primary device for making sense of social action. The “Narrative Turn” in critical thinking takes as its starting point the fact that individuals, institutions, nations and cultures construct their identities by locating themselves within plotted stories. What’s more, drawing forth and attending to stories that have no place among the repertoire of “legitimate” narratives --those of the vulnerable or silenced-- require narrative skill.  

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